Sunday, January 8, 2012

I'm back...

It has been about 2 months since I last blogged.  I really didn't intend to wait so long to blog.  It just happened.  Honestly, I think we all go through periods of time where we just feel blah...I think that's where I have been.  Some days I'd have all sorts of energy and feel the need to be creative, but by the time I got home from work and running the kids places, I was just beat.  Then, there were days that I just felt defeated for one reason or another.  Neither of these were reasons to not write.  They were actually reasons I SHOULD have been writing.  For me, writing is a little like therapy.

Lots has been going on in our lives the past two months.  Nothing horrible or super life changing has been going on here, but there are times when stress sometimes gets the best of you.  I won't get into all the details, but I will tell you this.  I am very thankful that I have my faith in God.  He has been my saving grace on days that I just want to crawl in bed and go to sleep.  Instead, he gets me going with my day and shows me little rays of sunlight through my students, my friends, my fur babies, my children, and my husband. I am so thankful that He is there for me to talk to when I need Him.

Since my last blog entry, we have had Thanksgiving and Christmas.  My parents came for both holidays, but my sister and her family were also able to come for Christmas.  It was incredibly nice to have them all here for the holidays.  I really enjoyed spending time with my sister.  She and I live way too far apart and when we get together we really try to make it quality time.  She and I have grown very close over the past several years.  It is nice to know that I have her to lean on, confide in, laugh with, and share my life with.  I have to admit, she's pretty okay... (I would have NEVER said that 20 years ago! lol)  While she was here she got me hooked on Vampire Diaries.  I have a lot of catching up to do.  I am only on episode 10 from season 1.  I know I need to watch the rest of the series before I start watching this season so that it makes sense.  I seriously need to get Netflix hooked back up here at the house. (That's on the "To do" list...)

Over the past couple of months, my foot/ankle have really started hurting me more and more.  All this started with my infamous fall back in May.  My arch has fallen completely. Because of this, my ankle is turning a bit inward, which is causing the bones in my feet to shift outward, and my entire foot to hurt all the way up my leg. Sometimes I can't get my foot comfortable and some nights it hurts so bad that the covers on my bed are too much to be on it. The side of my foot has been swelling and I finally had enough and decided to make an appointment.  I went to see Dr. Witt last Friday.  After looking at the pics I took on my iPhone of the swelling I had a couple nights before, looking at my foot, and asking me to stand on my toes (which I could not do) he determined that we had exhausted all the avenues for "fixing" my foot. We were at the last resort.  He recommended surgery to repair the injured tendons and basically rebuild the arch in my foot.  He said it would only get worse and the main tendon that I injured is just as important as the Achilles tendon.  It needs to be fixed.   I told him I really didn't care as long as it made it quit hurting.

For those of you that don't know, when your feet hurt, your entire body hurts.  I have limped around enough that my right hip and leg hurt.  Because my hip hurts, my back is sore.  With that comes sore shoulders and a headache every now and then.  It just sets off lots of other things that you would never think a hurt foot could affect.

Anyway, I am ready to get on with this.  My surgery is tentatively set for Thursday, January 19th.  I will get confirmation of my surgery time and date tomorrow.  I am nervous about it, but I am also relieved to know that FINALLY I will get some relief.  Not being able to walk sure puts a damper on the things that I want and need to do...  He told me that I'd be in a splint for the first 2 weeks to allow my foot to swell and begin to heal.  After that I'd be in a cast or boot for 5-6 weeks.  (I'll be in a boot.  I think I'm slightly clauster phobic so he said I could do the boot if I promised not to put and weight on it.  I quickly agreed.)  So, I'll spend the next 6-8 weeks on crutches, which I plan to bling out with duct tape.  Sounds fun, right?  haha...  I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about it as I get used to using the crutches.  I have a feeling I'll be doing a lot of complaining...  I hope you don't mind listening to it!  hehe

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