Friday, June 11, 2010


This has been my second week of summer vacation. It has flown by so fast! And, I feel like I haven't accomplished all the things I thought I would have by now. Oh, well... At least my laundry is getting caught up. I can hardly believe that we have so much laundry all the time, but then I look at the many different outfits Whit wears each day and I realize where it all comes from... Oh, and when she cleaned up her room yesterday, she had about 6 towels in her room. I hadn't seen them in there before then so I am wondering where she was hiding them. Probably under her bed. ***Mental note - look for dirty towels and clothes under Whit's bed more often.***

Tomorrow is a big day for Allison. It is her first swim meet with her swim team here in Longview. She has been to meets with her old team in Bryan, but this is her first meet with her Longview team. They are competing in a long course pool. It is twice as long as the pool she practices in. She is really excited and nervous. I can't wait to watch her swim. She has been working really hard at practice and has been very good about eating healthy lately. I am very proud of her. :) I'll update everyone on Ally's swim meet this weekend.

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Enjoy this nice weather!


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